Saturday 29th, June, 2024

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Babu Owino calls for immediate release of arrested protesters

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino addressing the media on June 18, 2024. PHOTO/Screengrab by K24 Digital
Embakasi East MP Babu Owino addressing the media on June 18, 2024. PHOTO/Screengrab by K24 Digital

Embakasi East Member of Parliament (MP) Babu Owino has called for the immediate release of protesters who have been arrested in Nairobi while demonstrating against the Finance Bill, 2024.

Addressing a press conference at the parliament buildings on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, Babu Owino condemned the arrests, noting that the police are violating the freedom of speech and the right to picket and protest which is enshrined in our Constitution 2010.

Protesters released without charge

The vocal MP gave the police 24 hours to release all the protesters that have so far been arrested, without charge.

“We are giving police 24 hours to release these peaceful protesters without charge,” Babu Owino said.

The controversial MP further threatened to take the Inspector General of Police Japheth Koome to court for violating the Kenyans’ right to picket.

“The arrested protesters should be released without charge or we will move to court against the Inspector General of Police Koome in his individual capacity for gross violation of the freedom of speech and the right to picket and protest which is enshrined in our Constitution 2010,” Babu Owino who was flanked by Starehe MP Amos Mwago said.

Protesters arrested

Police on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, arrested protesters who were converging at various meeting points within the Central Business District, to protest against the Finance Bill, 2024.

Protesters who attempted to assemble outside the National Centre, National Archives, Kencom and Jeevanjee grounds were swiftly arrested and whisked into waiting police vehicles.

Some were bundled in police lorries and pickup Landcruisers, while some found themselves in the boots of police Subaru Outbacks.

Most of the arrested protesters were taken to Central Police Station and Kamukunji Police Station which are within Nairobi CBD.

The protest came ahead of the tabling of the Finance Bill, 2024 report by the National Assembly’s Finance and Planning Committee.

The Finance Bill has sparked significant public outcry, with critics arguing that it will impose undue financial burdens on citizens already grappling with economic hardships.

The organisers of the protest dubbed ‘Occupy Parliament’ had said they were ready for the peaceful march and that they had met all the requirements.

However, Nairobi Regional Police Commander Adamson Bungei dismissed any plan to organise protests in Nairobi saying it was illegal.

Bungei said that no one applied for a gathering or picketing permit as expected. He said the protest was illegal and banned.

Bungei said they received a ‘faulty’ document dated June last year, which doesn’t meet the protest permission threshold.

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