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‘Aheshimiwe’ – Gachagua intensifies efforts to reconcile with Uhuru

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua addressing members of the public in Nyeri town.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua addressing members of the public in Nyeri town. PHOTO/@rigathi/X

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has intensified his efforts to reconcile with retired President Uhuru Kenyatta in order to unite the Mount Kenya region.

As wrangles continue unabated in the ruling United Democratic Alliance (UDA), Gachagua has extended an olive hand to the fourth president, who supported Raila Odinga for the presidency in the 2022 elections.

Gachagua said that Uhuru’s only problem was supporting the former Premier, and that, he says, alienated him from the Mount Kenya electorate. However, he has sent a strong signal to reunite with the retired Head of State as political wrangles hit the ruling party.

Makosa ya Uhuru, ilikuwa moja pekee yake. Kazi alikuwa amefanya, amejenga barabara, na ameleta maji amefanya kila kitu. Tukamchukia, tukampiga, na tukamdharau kwa sababu ya kutuleta Raila Odinga.

Siku rai wetu (William Ruto) ameona inafaa washikane na Raila Odinga mimi nikajiuliza kama kiongozi ‘nitakuwa mjinga kiasi gani kama yule Raila tulikuwa tunapiga Uhuru juu yake ameshikana na Rais wetu’, hata mimi nikasema Uhuru ni wetu, ni mtoto wetu, aheshimiwe na tukae pamoja.

Eti sasa wananipiga mimi eti mimi ni mkabila nikisema Uhuru ni mtoto wetu. Iko makosa nimefanya? Mimi niliangalia na mimi si mjinga tulichukia Uhuru mtoto wetu. Hakuna makosa alifanya isipokuwa kutuleta Raila,” Gachagua said as he interacted with members of the public while on a tour in Nyeri County on Saturday, June 15, 2024.

The former Mathira Member of Parliament said that given that President Ruto has reconciled with Raila, it is prudent for him to look out for Uhuru and work together again.

Hii vita yote mnaona eti nikiambiwa ninaongoza ukabila ni kwa sababu ya kusema hata Uhuru ni mtoto wetu. Kama rais wetu amesema Raila ni mtu mzuri, kutakuwa haja gani sisi kuchukia Uhuru Kenyatta. Iko haja?” he asked while addressing a jubilant crowd.

Gachagua fires at critics

He also asked for respect from his critics, whom he did not mention by name.

Msidharau sisi kwa sababu tulipeana kura kwa kupenda. Msituchukue ufala, msifikiri sisi ni watu wa kukanyagwa na mtu yeyote anataka anataka kutukukanyanga. 

“Mimi nataka kuambia wewe enda kwenu. Go and mobilise 80% who did not vote for Ruto to vote for him in 2027. Si iko namna hio?” the DP concluded.

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