
‘Futa ndugu yako kazi’ – Sabato claims family members are derailing Crazy Kennar

01:08 PM

Sabatoo Sabatoo recently called out Crazy Kennar for slacking behind in his content creation.

The influencer, through an Instagram post, pointed out that Kennar’s latest creation has become basic content, adding that this is a result of working with family members.

Sabato Sabatoo also claimed that Crazy Kennar had lost touch with his audience after years of working his magic in the industry.

Crazy Kennar has revealed that he makes between Ksh50 and Ksh300 a day. PHOTO/Crazy Kennar (@crazy_kennar)/Instagram

The problem with hiring your brother or family member is that you cannot fire them. Saa hii ukifuta brother yako as the manager, atarudi home aseme ‘oh Kennar amenivuta, anajiskia, kennar this and that’ watu wa kwenyu wataanza kukuona wewe ni mbaya,” Sabato said.

He went on to add that the family interference may have also been the reason why Kennar’s old crew walked out on him.

Ukiwa na kina Useful Idiot, ule jamaa alikuwa anakuandikia script. Akina Bursa, ulikuwa unafanya content kidogo lakini iko safi na ni funny. Saa hii you are doing too much but inatokea too little,” Sabato Sabatoo went on.

Kennar’s restaurant

According to the influencer, the same brother managing Crazy Kennar brand allegedly led to the closure of Instant Delicacies restaurant, which was owned by the comedian.

Hio hoteli haikufungwa juu ya marketing, haikufungwa ju ya kukosa pesa ya kusupport. It is bad management. And who was in between, your brother,” Sabato Sabatoo alleged.

Warning him against working with family, Sabatoo reminded Crazy Kennar of upcoming content creators, who will overtake him leaving him struggling like those who came before him.

Kuna content creators wengi wanakuja, you should be very afraid because ile competition iko chini yako ni mingi sana,” the influencer warned Kennar.

He added: “Futa ndugu yako kazi kama unataka kwenda mbali“.


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