Westgate Mall terror suspect says the porridge served at Kamiti Maximum Prison has no sugar and wants the court to order the authorities to provide him with sugar.
Hussein Mustafa, who is awaiting sentencing over the terror attack that left 67 dead, told Nairobi Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi that beans and sukuma wiki (kales) are affecting his health.
The Chief Magistrate was expected to issue his judgement on Friday after he put them on their defence.
However, Andayi said that the judgement was not ready because of the voluminous file and that he needs more time.
He told the suspects that he will confirm whether their complaints about the food that is allegedly giving the suspect ulcers has been addressed by the prison authorities.
The magistrate ordered the Kamiti prison to file a report on the suspect’s complaints within 10 days.
Liban Abdullahi, the first accused, told the same court that the prison is too cold, an issue he wants to be addressed by the court.
State prosecutor, Edwin Okello, told the court that the prison has procedures and the authorities are expected to follow according to the resources provided.
“Sugar and warm water are available resources at Kamiti Maximum Prison and the officers should explain why they are not available to prisoners,” said Okello.
Ahmed Abdi, Liban Omar and Hussein Mustafa, were put on their defence by the trial magistrate.
However, the court freed the fourth accused Adan Dheq for lack of evidence.
At least 67 people lost their lives in the September 21, 2013 terror attack.
The four suspects had been jointly and separately accused of conspiracy to commit a terrorist act among other charges.
He was allegedly found with videos titled Training Series in Swahili and Ambush at Bardale, which the prosecution said could facilitate terrorism.
While putting the three on their defence, Andayi said that the prosecution had established a prima facie case against them.
The court will give its final verdict on the case on October 5.