Tana, Garissa residents urged to move to safer ground as hydro dams full

Tana River and Garissa counties residents have been urged to move to higher and safer grounds as hydroelectric dams on River Tana are full and are likely to spill in the coming days.
On Monday, Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i said his ministry has already informed county commissioners in affected counties to ensure residents move to higher ground.
“The Eastern hydros are currently full to the maximum and there is already spillage from Masinga Dam. In the next two days, those living on the lower part of Garissa & Tana River will experience a lot of water and must move to the safest upper regions immediately,” said Interior CS Matiang’i.
The warning comes just a day after floods and mudslides swept through villages in West Pokot-Elgeyo Marakwet border where they killed four people.
The flash floods that hit the western Kenya area flattened a trading centre, swept away a police post and learning facilities.