‘I’m still getting used to these things’ – Light moment as Salasya fumbles parliamentary terms

It was a light moment in parliament as Mumia East MP Peter Salasya treated fellow parliamentarians with a humourous moment as he struggled with parliamentary terminology during the Finance debate on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.
Salasya attempted to raise a point of order but seemed uncertain about the correct protocol.
“I have never stood on a point of order but let me try to stand on a point of order. That’s point of order No 91?” he said, cracking his colleagues’ ribs.
Speaker of the National Assembly, Moses Wetang’ula, stepped in to clarify.
“Point of Order 31 deals with the adjournment of the House,” he explained to the already confused Salasya.
“I am standing on Point of Order 91. I’m still getting used to these things, Mr. Speaker,” he admitted, drawing more laughter from the assembly.
Salasya on Finance Bill
On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, shortly after the bill was amended and some of the proposed taxes dropped, Salasya argued that the government’s decision to remove certain contentious clauses from the Finance Bill, 2024 does not address the challenges faced by ordinary Kenyans.
The Salasya asserted that the debate on the Finance Bill, 2024 should be halted to first address the urgent issues in the Finance Act, 2023.