The Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) has been restructured in line with its new mandate which will see its workforce increase by over 300 per cent.
The renewable energy sector was formally under the Geothermal Development Authority until this year when it was taken to Rerec.
Rerec’s chairman Simon Gicharu said that the new structure will increase the staffing capacity from the current 481 to 1,118 staff members, of which 835 will comprise technical staff. The remaining 283 or will be corporate staff.
Gicharu said in a statement that the new structure is different from the old one which had the provisions of the board of directors, the chief executive officer assisted by three directorates, namely technical services, corporate services and research, strategy and planning, 14 departments and 3 divisions.
In the new order, seven directorates have been created to assist the chief executive officer deliver on objectives.
He said the organization has also established lactating hours and crèches in all its facilities for mothers to feed their babies.
“We will allow flexible hours for lactating mothers. It is the board policy to provide a conducive working environment that takes into consideration special circumstances facing mothers and the families at large,” he said.
Gicharu added that for the first three months after resumption of office, lactating mothers will be given flexible hours as they find appropriate.
The agency has also reshuffled a number of staff, reallocated or re-assigned duties of 27 staff members to other stations across the country.
Gicharu also ordered that the system of paying suppliers be adjusted to ensure it takes the 30 days period provided within the contract is adhered to.
The user department, he said, will have a maximum of seven days to submit an invoice to the finance department from the date of issue by the supplier.