Morara Kebaso issues 2-week accountability report detailing amount spent on fuel
By Mustafa Juma, November 13, 2024Political activist and advocate for government accountability Morara Kebaso has issued a two-week accountability report, detailing the amount of money he has spent on fuel.
Morara, who depends on donations from Kenyans on social media to traverse the country to keep the President William Ruto-led administration in check, had earlier on promised to account for every coin that has been contributed towards his course.
In a statement issued via his official X account on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, Morara gave a summary of the report, indicating that one vehicle had covered an estimated distance of 2,365 Km for the past two weeks.
He pointed out that the average consumption for one vehicle is 5.5 km per litre, which might be more at higher speeds and on bad roads.
Morara on total fuel consumption
According to Morara, the total consumption for the past two weeks translates to approximately 430 litres of petrol for one vehicle, which is approximately Ksh77,400 when calculated with the current fuel price of Ksh180 per litre.

He further pointed out that he has been using two vehicles, bringing an average fuel expenditure to Ksh154,800.
“Estimated kilometres covered for one vehicle is 2365km a litre of petrol is Ksh180 the average consumption is 5.5km per litre (take note it consumes more at higher speeds and in bad roads) which translates to approximately 430 litres of petrol for one vehicle. Which is approximately Ksh77,400. Total fuel costs for two vehicles is an average of Ksh154,800,” Morara’s statement reads in part.
Morara went ahead to break down his travels and enumerated how he had reached a total of 2,365 Km for one vehicle.
However, he pointed out that he had deliberately excluded some information that may compromise the safety and security of his team.
“Take note that we have excluded some information that may compromise our safety and security. We have also withheld details of accommodation details for the security team, drivers and two researchers,” he stated.
— Morara Kebaso (@MoraraKebasoSnr) November 13, 2024
Estimated Kilometers Covered for One vehicle is 2365km
A litre of Petrol is Ksh180
The Average Consumption is 5.5km per litre (take note it consumes more at higher speeds and in bad roads)
Morara’s progress report
On November 11, 2024, Morara took to his official social media accounts to give a progress report of his engagements.
“On 14th August 2024, we started a journey that became a movement. On this day, I debuted in the first episode of The Vampire Diaries. Today it’s a movement. A tsunami for change. What started small has become bigger than any of us,” he said in a post on X.
“Today I am glad to share with you details of the progress we have made so far and thank you for your support in prayers and financial resources.”
He says he has been able to visit 29 counties and inspect 89 government projects allocated an approximate total of about Ksh137 billion.
“We have held 27 civic education rallies in various counties. Out of your generous contributions, we have hired 23 permanent and salaried staff, the majority being security, researchers, and data clerks,” he said while acknowledging those who have financially supported his mission.
“Your contributions have fueled two cars as follows: KDK for approximately 29,000 km and KCJ for approximately 20,000 km.”
The mission, he said, is to open Kenyan eyes to see and understand bad governance from a personal point of view through videos he shares on social media.