
Kasarani residents’ long trek to work due to matatu strike

11:05 AM
Kasarani residents’ long trek to work due to matatu strike
Kasarani residents had to trek long distances to catch matatus to work after PSV operators down tools. PHOTO | COURTESY

Thousands of city commuters who reside in the expansive Kasarani area were in for a rude shock on Monday morning after public service operators went on strike.

PSV operators downed their tools to protest the poor state of the Kasarani-Mwiki Road.

To get transport services, many commuters trekked for kilometres braving the chilly and wet weather to Roysambu on the Thika-Nairobi highway.

One of the resident’s who shared his tribulations on Twitter said he was to take his son to school but was advised to keep him indoors because of lack of transport.

“This Kasarani Mwiki road blockages are illegal and @NPSOfficial_KE need to act. My son’s school advised that he remains indoors until further notice,” said @GilbertGBOS on the Ma3Route handle.

The protests began at around 6am as the matatu operators barricaded sections of the road using building blocks.


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