Felix Odiwuor popular known as Jalang’o has defended himself over allegations that he makes his money through wash wash business.
Speaking on Kiss 100 on Monday, Jalang’o said he never thought one day someone would question his integrity and how he makes his money.
“I have never stolen from anyone nor have I gotten involved in any fraudulent deals,” the comedian said.
He said he can account for any shilling and property he has amassed saying they are all products of his hard work.
“For me, it has always been about hustle and if it was easy to make money, then everybody would,” Jalang’o said.
He said radio job is his first hustle in the morning before venturing into many other businesses which pay him well.
“I run a media agency where I have employed 20 people and I pay them well on taxable and pensionable terms,” he said.
He added: “On top of that, I am a brand ambassador of top five brands and they all pay me very well.”
He said the people writing false stories about him know that he makes money genuinely only that they want to tarnish his name.
“In a week, I do three to four events which pay me very well. I also run Jalang’o TV which has over 10 million views every month, ” he said.