The two officers who circulated online a CCTV footage of President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition chief while touring the Nairobi city centre at night are set to be charged today.
According to the charge sheet seen by K24 Digital, the duo will be charged with an unauthorized interception of a computer data contrary to section 17 (1) of the Computer Misuse and Cyber Crime Act.
Police said that the officers, Patrick Rading Ambogo and Janet Magoma Ayonga, committed the crime on June 2, about 8:20 pm.
“On 2nd day of June 2020, at around 2020 hours at Nairobi County within the Republic of Kenya jointly, jointly intentionally and without authorization intercepted a security CCTV footage capturing the head of state’s entourage along Kenyatta avenue,” the charge sheet reads.
The two were arrested on June 6 and were out on bail according to the charge sheet to be presented at the Milimani Law Courts.