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Inside Ruto’s Ksh4T budget

Francis Muli
Treasury CS Njuguna Ndung'u during the reading of the 2024/2025 budget. PHOTO/@KeTreasury/X
Treasury CS Njuguna Ndung'u during the reading of the 2024/2025 budget. PHOTO/@KeTreasury/X

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Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u has revealed how Ksh3.992 billion will be shared among different government agencies and departments in the 2024/2025 Financial Year.

Ministerial recurrent expenditures will gobble up Ksh1.6 trillion while interest payments and pensions will get Ksh1.2 trillion. Ministerial development expenditure will take up Ksh745.9 billion, contingency fund Ksh4 billion while equitable share to counties has been capped at Ksh400.1 billion.

Ksh100.5 billion will be used on infrastructure, Ksh86.6 billion on social sectors, Ksh46.2 billion on finance and production economy, Ksh22.1 billion on environment and natural resources and Ksh28.1 billion on government and public administration.

The government aims to spend Ksh23.7 billion in supporting manufacturing for job creation, Ksh377.5 billion in enhancing national security, Ksh402.7 billion in critical infrastructure, Ksh656.6 billion in enhancing access to quality education outcomes, Ksh110.1 billion on environmental protection, water and natural resources and Ksh89.5 billion on equity, poverty reduction, women and youth empowerment.

Further, the government will spend Ksh31.3 billion for social protection and affirmative action, Ksh23.7 billion for stimulating tourism growth, sports culture and recreation and Ksh400.1 billion for equitable share to county governments.

To raise the amount, the government targets to raise Ksh3,343.2 billion (18.5 per cent of GDP) through taxes, Ksh51.8 billion (0.3%of GDP) through grants, Ksh333.8 billion (1.8 per cent of GDP) through net foreign financing and Ksh263.2 billion (1.5 per cent of GDP) through net domestic financing.

This will leave the government with a deficit of Ksh597.0 billion (3.3 per cent of GDP).

In the FY 2024/25 budget, Ksh54.6 billion has been allocated to the agriculture sector as follows:

Ksh 10.0 billion Fertilizer subsidy programme;
Ksh 647 million Small Scale Irrigation and Value Addition Project;
Ksh 2.5 billion Emergency Locusts Response;
Ksh 2.4 billion Enable Youth and Women in Agriculture;
Ksh 6.1 billion National Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (NAVCDP);
Ksh 642 million Food Security and Crop Diversification Project;
Ksh 12.3 billion Livestock Resources Management and Development;
Ksh 300 million Development Leather Industrial Park- Kenanie;
Ksh 1.0 billion MSMEs Agricultural Credit;
Ksh 11.3 billion Blue Economy Priority Projects;
Ksh 182 million National Drought Emergency Fund;
Ksh 3.7 billion Settlement of the Landless;
Ksh 930 million Processing and Registration of Title Deeds; and
Ksh 585 million Digitization and construction of Land Registries;

In a bid to transform the micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) economy, allocations have been made as follows;

Ksh 5.0 billion Hustlers Fund;
Ksh 200 million Youth Enterprise Development Fund;
Ksh 162.5 million Centre for Entrepreneurship Project; and
Ksh 1.9 billion Rural Kenya Financial Inclusion Facility

In the FY 2024/25 budget, Ksh92.1 billion has been allocated for the housing programme as follows:

Ksh 67.4 billion Affordable and Social Housing & Social Physical Infrastructure;
Ksh 11.3 billion Kenya Informal Settlement Improvement Project-Phase II;
Ksh 1.1 billion Construction of Markets;
Ksh 1.0 billion Construction of Housing Units for National Police and Kenya Prisons;
Ksh 876 million Maintenance of Government Pool Houses;
Ksh 496 million Construction of Foot Bridges; and
Ksh 444 million Construction of County Headquarters

In the FY 2024/25 budget, the health sector has been allocated Ksh127 billion. Allocations to the sector include:

Ksh 4.2 billion Universal Health Coverage Coordination and Management Unit;
Ksh 4.6 billion Specialized Medical Equipment and Stipend for Community Health Promoters;
Ksh 2.0 billion Free Maternity Health Care;
Ksh 3.6 billion Managed Equipment Services;
Ksh 861.5 million Medical Cover for the Elderly and Severely Disabled in our Society;
Ksh 4.1 billion Primary Healthcare Fund;
Ksh.2.0 billion Emergency, Chronic and Critical Illness Fund;
Ksh 28.7 billion Global Fund (HIV, Malaria, TB);
Ksh 4.6 billion Vaccines and Immunizations Programme;
Ksh 1.2 billion Construction and Equipping Kenya Medical Training Colleges(KMTC);
Ksh 2.6 billion Kenya National Hospital Burns and Paediatrics Centre;
Ksh 1.1 billion Construction and Strengthening of Cancer Centers; and
Ksh 4.1 billion Management of Medical Personnel

Digital superhighway and creative economy has an allocation of Ksh16.3 billion in the FY 2024/25. Allocations include:

Ksh 5.2 billion Konza data Center & Smart City Facilities;
Ksh 2.3 billion Construction of KAIST at Konza Technopolis;
Ksh 2.8 billion Kenya Digital Economy Acceleration Project; and
Ksh 2.8 billion Last Mile County Connectivity Network.
Ksh 1.8 billion Digital Superhighway and Government shared services.

In supporting the manufacturing sector for productivity and job creation, Ksh23.7 billion has been allocated as follows;

     Ksh 4.5 billion      Establishment of County Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks;
     Ksh 1.9 billion      Finance & Enterprise Recovery (SAFER) Project;
     Ksh 1.0 billion      Kenya Jobs Economic Transformation (KJET);
     Ksh 440 million      Development of SEZ Textile Park Naivasha;
     Ksh 1.5 billion      Sugar Reforms; and
     Ksh 1.3 billion      Kenya Industry and Entrepreneurship Project

Towards road construction, Ksh 193.4 billion has been allocated in the FY 2024/25 as follows;

     Ksh 86.2 billion      Construction of Roads and Bridges;
     Ksh 37.7 billion      Maintenance of Roads; and
     Ksh 69.5 billion      Rehabilitation of Roads

To improve rail transport and construction of ports, Ksh29.6 billion has been allocated to expand railway transport and associated infrastructure, Ksh12.1 billion for air transport, Ksh3.1 billion for marine transport and Ksh4.2 billion for road safety.

To support environment and water conservation and respond to climate change, the following allocations have been set aside for the FY 2024/25:

Ksh 73.1 billion Expand access to clean and adequate water for domestic and agricultural use
Ksh 10.7 billion Forests resources conservation and management
Ksh 1.7 billion Forests research and development
Ksh 5.9 billion Kenya financing locally-led climate action project
Ksh 2.7 billion Environment Management and Protection
Ksh 1.6 billion Meteorological service
Ksh 13.1 billion Wildlife security, conservation and management.

Ksh 656.6 billion has been allocated to the education sector as follows;

Ksh 71.0 billion      Free primary and Day Secondary Education
Ksh 30.7 billion      Junior Secondary School Capitation
Ksh 3.0 billion      School Feeding Programme
Ksh 5.0 billion      Examinations Fee Waiver
Ksh 358.2 billion Teachers Service Commission
Ksh 13.3 billion      Conversion of JSS teachers to permanent and pensionable
 Ksh 1.3 billion      Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) Training of Teachers
Ksh 11.1 billion      Kenya Primary Education Equity in Learning
Ksh 6.0 billion      Infrastructure Development in Primary and Secondary Schools
Ksh 150 million      ICT Integration in Secondary Schools
Ksh 62.8 billion      Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) and Other Scholarships
Ksh 71.9 billion      University Education
Ksh 700 million      Research, Science, Technology and Innovation

In FY 2024/25 Ksh 31.3 billion has been set aside for social protection and affirmative actions. These allocations include:

     Ksh 18.6 billion      Cash Transfers to Elderly Persons;
     Ksh 7.9 billion      Cash Transfers to Orphans and Vulnerable Children;
     Ksh 1.5 billion      Kenya Hunger Safety Net Programme
     Ksh 1.2 billion      Cash Transfer to Persons with Severe Disability.
     Ksh 400 million      Presidential Bursary for the Orphans
     Ksh 815 million      Child Welfare Society of Kenya
     Ksh 600 million      National Council for Persons Living with Disabilities

Ksh 89.5 billion has been allocated in FY 2024/25 for equity, poverty reduction, women and youth empowerment as follows;

Ksh 1.1 billion Kenya Youth Empowerment Program;
Ksh 10.4 billion National Youth Service;
Ksh 2.7 billion National Youth Opportunity Towards Achievement (NYOTA);
Ksh 200 million Youth Enterprise Development Fund;
Ksh 162.5 million Centre for Entrepreneurship Project;
Ksh 200 million Uwezo Fund;
Ksh 230 million Youth Empowerment Centers; and
Ksh 182.8 million Women Enterprise Fund

The FY 2024/25 budget has set aside:

Ksh 63.0 billion National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF);
Ksh 8.0 billion Equalization Fund;
Ksh 3.5 billion National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NG-AAF).

In the FY 2024/25, County Governments have been allocated Ksh 444.5 billion, which comprises of Ksh400.1 billion from the equitable share of revenue raised nationally, Ksh8.76 billion as additional conditional allocations from the National Government share of revenue and Ksh35.66 billion as conditional allocation from the Development Partners.

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