Fresh petition filed to stop debate on Punguza Mizigo referendum bill

David Kamau Ngari and International Economic Law Centre have filed a fresh application seeking to set aside orders that dismissed their application to bar debate on Punguza Mizigo bill.
High Court Judge John Mativo on Tuesday morning lifted orders which had barred the county assemblies from debating the bill after the lawyers of the two petitioners failed to appear in court.
In their fresh application, the two claim that their lawyers’ absence was caused by erroneous cause-listing of the matter before Justice Pauline Nyamweya instead of Justice John Mativo.
They said their advocates were aassembled at Justice Pauline Nyamweya’s court room.
“In the premise, it is only fair and in the interest of justice that the application together with the interim conservatory orders be reinstated immediately,” stated their lawyer James Mamboleo in court documents.
Justice Mativo certified the matter urgent and directed them to appear before him on Friday for hearing.