Drama ensued in Limuru town after a seemingly over 50-year-old Mukurinu man found himself in a compromising situation with a woman believed to be a sex worker.
The two, allegedly disagreed on service fee after spending night at a hotel lodging.
Eyewitnesses say the two came out of a guest house quarrelling shortly before the visibly angry woman removed the man of God’s holy turban while shouting. Seeing a crowd of people forming up, the man had no option but to run away leaving his turban behind.
It’s an incident that left majority of Limuru residents and Akurinu religion ashamed with some strongly condemning it saying it’s ashaming their faith.
“I was called by my friend from where I work to go witness what was going on but after listening to the story, I couldn’t stand it.
It’s ashaming our church. I even don’t think he is a real mukurinu coz if he was, he couldn’t let go his turban” Micheal Kamau, a member of the Akorinu religion said.
Another eye witness identified as Joseph Irungu said ” I saw them arguing while coming out from the building but the moment the lady started shouting the man ran away, heri ungeona venye kipara ilikua ina-shine akipote. Tuliona tu vumbi.”