The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) on Monday summoned Murang’a County MPs, Ndindi Nyoro and Alice Wahome, to their Nyeri Regional Criminal Investigations to record statements over Kenol town chaos.
“Following the Inspector-General of Police directive yesterday in regard to fracas and mayhem in Muranga County, the following members of parliament, namely Ndindi Nyoro and Alice Wahome, among others have been summoned to appear this morning at the Regional Criminal Investigations,” the DCI said on Monday morning via their Twitter page.
IG Hillary Mutyambai accused the two MPs of mobilizing goons who caused mayhem at Kenol town during Deputy President William Ruto’s visit to an AIPCA church on Sunday.
The police boss confirmed that the chaos, pitting two opposing camps suspected to pro-Tanga Tanga and pro-Kieleweke factions, led to the deaths of two people.