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CA revokes licenses of 75 broadcasters for non-compliance

Francis Muli
Inside a broadcasting station
Inside a broadcasting station. PHOTO/@CA_Kenya /X

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The Communication Authority of Kenya (CA) has announced that it revoked 75 licenses of various broadcasters in 2024 for non-compliance with license conditions.

The revocations affected TV broadcasters, FM radio stations, a broadcast signal distributor, and subscription management service providers.

“Out of the 75 revocations, 66 were due to non-compliance, while nine were requests from the affected broadcasters to terminate their services,” CA stated on Friday, January 10, 2025.

Among those affected include Econet Media (K) Ltd, a subscription management service provider, Kiss TV, Kwese TV which holds a landing rights licence, Bamba TV, a self-provisioning broadcast signal distributor, Switch TV, Mwinjoyo FM, KUSCCO FM, Tusmo FM and Radio Ashe who requested for termination of their services.

“The television braodcasters cited for non-compliance include Mwariama TV, Miracles TV, Magodo TV, Mugumo TV, Murata TV, Pwani TV, Rescue TV, Sauti TV, RTN TV, Lamu Youth TV, Madgot TV, Misoft TV, Mitume TV, Mugwe TV, Elgon TV, Mwanyagetinge TV, NEP TV, Mt. Kenya TV, CAN Tv, Border TV, Fire TV, Biashara TV, Arimus TV, Health TV, Getu TV, Daesak TV, Ingo TV, Kilunda Television Network, Laikipia TV, Mwananchi TV, Mwamogusii TV, Biz TV, MMS TV and Kwese Free Sport,” CA added

“Others include Kilimo TV, Kathus TV, Jubilee TV, Islamia TV, Christian Faith TV, Homeland Television Network, High Life TV, Health TV, Havilah Television Network, Harvest Family TV, Global Vision TV, Go Preach Gospel TV, FON Tv, Ifortunes TV, Focus TV, End Time TV, Elimu TV, Dominion Broadcasting Network TV, Design TV, Brandplus TV, Clergy TV, Daystar TV Kenya, Njata TV, Utugi TV, TV Cosmopolitan, and TMN TV.”

Others affected by the CA action include Radio Luhya FM, Nacex FM, Somal FM, Kihooto FM, Njata FM, and Sky 106.1 FM.

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