294 phones snatched from owners in Nakuru Town recovered

DCI detectives in Nakuru on Monday, February 8 arrested three people suspected to be in the business of selling stolen phones.
The three were in possession of 294 phones alleged to have been stolen from different people within Nakuru County. The mobile devices range from feature to smartphones, with the latter making up the majority.
Anthony Sunguti, the Criminal Investigations lead Officer in Nakuru County, said the three were arrested in a crackdown conducted by DCI detectives at Kaptembwo in Nakuru West Sub-County.
“We embarked on a hunt for the suspects after receiving tens of complaints from victims of phone theft. The aggrieved parties reported that their phones were snatched from them in the Nakuru central business district,” said Sunguti.
Upon being busted in their house, the suspects failed to explain how they acquired the hundreds of smartphones.
Also recovered from the suspects, were a laptop and a computer CPU.
“I am urging those whose phones have been snatched or violently stolen by thugs in Nakuru to report to any nearby police station,” said Sunguti who warned residents against buying second hand phones from shady dealers.