Sunday 30th, June, 2024

10:35 AM EAT


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Police seize 2,260 litres of illicit brew in Matungulu

A photo of the exhibit impounded by the police in Tala: PHOTO/COURTESY

Police have arrested five people in Tala Town with 300 cartons of illicit liquor confiscated during a crackdown on second-hand liquor in Matungulu Sub-County in Machakos County.

Police on site impounded 2260 litres of molasses and 40 kilograms of yeast, from an agro vet named Arock Animal Feeds and Molasses Shop.

Among those arrested are the agro vet owner and his employee.

While confirming the incident Matungulu Sub County Police Commander Monica Kimani said the liquor dubbed “STAR VODKA” and “PASHA” suspected to be second generation liquor was not approved by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), hence labelled unhealthy for human consumption.

The molasses was packed in 20-litre Jerry canes, which were loaded into a police truck and taken in as exhibit.

“We have arrested the owner of the agro vet and his aid and other suspects, but still thinking of what to do with them since they were sent to the shop to pick a parcel.” Kimani said.

The Sub-County police boss said she will spearhead a crackdown in all den and second-generation liquor shops in the whole region to ensure no illegal alcohol and illicit brew is left.

“Chang’aa will be wiped completely and trust me we shall bring to an end the menace in Katine and the sub county as a whole,” swore the SCPC.

Those arrested have been detained in Malaa waiting to be arraigned at the Kangundo Law courts on Monday to face charges of possession of illicit brew and its ingredients.



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