Sunday 30th, June, 2024

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880 litres: Man and his wife arrested over sale of illicit brew in Bungoma

Security officerS pouring an illicit brew. FILE PHOTO: COURTESY.

Police officers in Bungoma town have nabbed 880 litres of illicit brew commonly referred to as chang’aa.

Two suspects, Glady Muche and her husband, were arrested in the operation conducted in Marakaru area.

Kanduyi Assistant County Commissioner Abdi Shakur, who led the operation, said they acted on a tip-off from members of the public.

He said their intelligence reports indicate that the two sell the liquor in neighbouring counties including Uasin Gishu, Nakuru and even Nairobi.

“We have information that the two usually sell this brew to hundreds of people some of who include students,” the administrator said.

Mr Shakur said at least 40,000 litres of illicit brew have been nabbed in Kanduyi alone since the crackdown started early this year.

He further warned those involved in the vice that stern actions shall be taken against them.

“I want to caution those running these illegal businesses and drug barons that we are coming for them. We won’t rest until they are all brought to book,” he said.

Mr Shakur asked residents to give police information that will lead to the arrest of people selling local brews in the area.

He said that the rampant usage of illicit brew has contributed to marriage break-ups, increase crime rates and a poor economy.

Bungoma County Commissioner Samuel Kimiti recently directed all administrators to start a crackdown on the illicit brew in the county.



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